Thursday, January 13, 2011

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Possenti traces of pride Brett (Brown Larosa)

The wind caresses the slope fragrant herbs and insects seem to chase each other in their busy flying here the hill, the sea. Our eyes can see today with curious attention to this scenario that seems lost in time, but that same slice of the world has watched with cold eyes of voltage guards whose sole job was not to enjoy the beauty of this place, but to verify that we reach some sort of attack or danger from afar. We are in Castiglione di Marshes, in the province of Cosenza, where it was found the only fortified town of Calabria and there seems to be able to breathe the same breeze that wraps Rhodes, Crete and the Aegean islands, and, in fact, the position, raised over the sea recalls the classic Greek acropolis.

The excavations, which began, resumed, stopped several times and not yet complete, have brought to light the interesting relics that have allowed scientists to identify two particular periods of life at the site of Castiglione: between IX and VIII century BC C. by a native population of Iron Age and the centuries IV and III BC as a city of the Hellenistic age.
A lively debate accompanies the real identity of the citadel, mistakenly believed to Roman times, later identified in the fourth Sybaris, which is rather more recent than a century, was considered the first Temps Jonica, then Petelea, while in 1973 the idea was put forward to date most reliable, which may be the ancient city of Kossa. The small town of people Brettiian staunch opponent of the nearby Greek cities on the coast, was abandoned at the end of the third century BC, during the Second Punic War, probably due to the close alliance with Hannibal.

Thirty-five acres enclosed by imposing walls with door openings, cleverly constructed and circular towers strategically placed around the perimeter of the citadel, a main road onto which public and private buildings, below, where the slope is stronger, a theater, structure and a bulwark of Hellenistic culture. Absolutely to observe the position of the north tower, towards the sea, from which you can see the coast and the surrounding terrain through which the Coser. The walls on the east end in two towers placed at an angle between them, here is located the main gate of the citadel, to encourage such people in the attack from above the walls, in the case of enemies who want to access it. To the southeast is a small door through which you can reach the Acropolis agora. Outside the walls, the so-called Valley Agretti, you can see about fifty graves, marked and covered with stones, dating from the early inhabitants, complete with the original funerary objects, superimposed on these other tombs of the settlement later.

Most of the furniture pieces, found just as the provision for the afterlife, are present in the halls of the National Museum of Reggio Calabria, one of the most important archeological site in Italy, the other can be seen in local archaeological museum. The ornaments have been unearthed in the Valley made Crati and are mostly buttons, bracelets, weapons, decorative plates, coins and buckles, the very presence of the latter makes the discovery of Castiglione's Swamp even more outstanding, endorsing it as extreme southern distribution of fibulae known.

Today, as the undisputed charm that ancient civilizations have on the modern world encourages meetings and attention to this reality yet, unfortunately, not known to the general public, but always on the verge of experiencing their moment of glory, recalling the deeds, big and small moments of everyday life so different than similar to ours.


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