Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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Nano Bignasca thank Marco Borradori

Director Department of Land has withdrawn its reservations: recur to the cantonal elections of April 2011. The Nano and lets you know that the League will complete the list of candidates in the coming days. The names will appear soon on the Morning.
"This work continues to love it." These are the first words Marco Borradori who told Radio Fiume Ticino to comment on his decision to recur in the next cantonal votes.
After months of uncertainty, even though most were convinced that the Director of the Department of the Territory would not leave the office he holds, the fact that three colleagues in the government (Pesenti, and Pedrazzini Gendotti) have thrown in the towel, helped to tip the scales in favor of his ricandidatura.
"remain, to ensure continuity in the work of the government and to allow neo-councilors of state of environment in their offices and their missions" has made it known Borradori.
denied the possibility of a rolling in the mid term. "I do not take into account the hypothesis," said the director of the Department of Natural Resources. "The term lasts four years."

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Borradori SI reapply

Borradori SI reapply

Marco Borradori you reapply the cantonal elections of 2011 for The Council of State
This was confirmed today at 14.00 in the hall of the Grand Council.
What are the reasons behind the choice of Borradori to recur in the Council of State? The main Borradori says, is that "this work continues to love it." In recent months, trust director of DT, the question of whether it was right to continue or not accompanied him constantly, but ultimately the decision came even considering the withdrawal of three colleagues in the government (Pesenti, and Pedrazzini Gendotti. "I'll stay "said Borradori always speaking on RFT" also to ensure continuity in the work of the Government, and to allow neo-directors of the State of environment in their offices and their responsibilities? a relay race in mid-term with another League member? "I do not take into account the possibility now," concludes Borradori. "The term lasts four years."

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do not know if was appropriate to consider a range of eight more or less workable solutions. ... It is difficult to choose the card catalogs of equipment when the upholsterer are many and all have their own merit!
certainly should not be an easy task for the Department of Land imagine a solution that suited all parties concerned, especially in the midst of plenty of ideas. So a study was made without serious doubt, but based on scientific concepts and parameters according to some widely debatable, to determine which of the eight proposals was the best. Difficult task, even more.
But I am not sure to want to occupy the complex issue of planning our area at project level. I compete, like the other 89 Representatives who sit with me in the Grand Council, the examination (albeit interim)
political aspects of the problem. This does not exonerate me and still does not prevent me from expressing any personal opinion, if only to honor the trust of those who wanted me to Parliament not for peace of mind.
then begin to express my concern to learn that the preferred option by the Government, which is aligned with that of some "underground" at the settlements, the current main road artery that perhaps holds in addition to the chronic clogging also World record for a round is so short, in a recent past that we all remember it was not even considered. The locals did not want to stop. Today, it seems that things have changed because of some requests of local communities that have received promises should be binding. Hence the show of genius the partial burial of trafficking-Quartino Camorino the cost of 891 million earned, somehow, in just 7 years.
And then a question arises: If
serious study based on technical-scientific criteria has led to this choice does that mean that the problem was first tackled lightly?
There were some who proposed to switch between road and rail subtracting reluctantly
agricultural land, while others said they waive the villages and the industrial area east of Canton,
or foot of the mountain, still others, to create a scenic road a bit 'higher, sacrificing only the woods, and there was even those who said to pierce the mountain to go to Rivera.
I will not go into the merits of various "projects of great maxim," threw them to talk rather than actually feasible solutions with reasonable cost. I would instead conclude this brief reflection on the other two alternative solutions that follow the chosen variant, a variant of that variation is not seen following a bit 'lame the current path; not a variant that if implemented will create many problems
to all and not only to the inhabitants of the plan. This "reserve" that meets Quartino tunnel and then alongside the railway line up to Cadenazzo another that would be the route to St. Anthony Quartino entirely filled. This show of genius which follows the idea of \u200b\u200bLe Courbisier in delay of 50 years, will cost 972 million to one is just 6 km.
The choice is made now and it's up to us to support it: if the preferred option which is to mix the track on the abutments of the main road, outside and under the earth, does not meet the favor of the Lords of Bern, or if you prefer to Their expert staff, you can always run to that part of the track in the tunnel or the other, that the plot entirely underground. I was out, although I knew well that the choice is up to them, is a matter of competence. So here we serve ice cream from their three different flavors. And if you do not like their homemade ice cream? But they
, Berne, already present will feel really hesitant with a more than questionable and ready in the bag two alternatives, to see something to take home? Mica us ice cream or traveling salesmen door to door us.
I think that I, a bit 'in the already over the years, to reach sometimes the Locarno I'll still do the queue for the rest of the time that health will allow me to drive. Besides, who assures me that once completed the work (not sure which) the problem will be solved?
We will say that there is no money to fund this and that .... Is not a work priority.
Angelo Paparelli, deputy GC

Saturday, October 16, 2010

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Corriere della Sera ... Bodio is in Italy!

According to the Corriere della Sera ... Bodio is in Italy!

Do not believe her ears. According to the Corriere della Sera Bodio would be in Italy.
We report in fact some of our readers, we thank him, as according to Corriere, Bodio (Ticino and therefore) is part of Italy and how the tunnel is a party, according to the Italian head of a European project.
What then might be able to take in the future on this project?

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Continue the passage of trucks on our roads.
The City Hall is doing?

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border commuters Thanks! 15/10/2010

border commuters Thanks! 15/10/2010

In my company working 38 border and are the highlight of my company. So the front page headline border commuters Thanks!
We would like to know from this entrepreneur who are residents of Ticino used in its business. And above all what is the average wage earned by its workers!

remain indignant about a campaign backed by the same employers, lawyers and teachers radical chic. What is the purpose of a campaign like this? Say thanks to the border are being exploited? It is even more offensive campaign bala rats?

A whole page in the Corriere del Ticino thanked the border for their work. Nothing to say against the border, and will be missed. But much to say on the list of signatories of this initiative, all the people sit in the heat. There is not a shadow of a worker or a worker in any Ticino support this page ... who knows why!

I suggest the campaign: THANK YOU MISTRESS

Thank you for creating wage dumping and thanks for putting workers in competition with the indigenous border.

Thanks also to all those who voted Yes to freedom of movement.




Sunday, October 10, 2010

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project room