Saturday, October 16, 2010

How To Hook Up Ps3 Diagram

border commuters Thanks! 15/10/2010

border commuters Thanks! 15/10/2010

In my company working 38 border and are the highlight of my company. So the front page headline border commuters Thanks!
We would like to know from this entrepreneur who are residents of Ticino used in its business. And above all what is the average wage earned by its workers!

remain indignant about a campaign backed by the same employers, lawyers and teachers radical chic. What is the purpose of a campaign like this? Say thanks to the border are being exploited? It is even more offensive campaign bala rats?

A whole page in the Corriere del Ticino thanked the border for their work. Nothing to say against the border, and will be missed. But much to say on the list of signatories of this initiative, all the people sit in the heat. There is not a shadow of a worker or a worker in any Ticino support this page ... who knows why!

I suggest the campaign: THANK YOU MISTRESS

Thank you for creating wage dumping and thanks for putting workers in competition with the indigenous border.

Thanks also to all those who voted Yes to freedom of movement.





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