Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Hack Sidekick For Free Everything

Argan oil miraculous properties (Brown Larosa)

E 'was a seminar entitled "Valorisation of Argan oil Argan for a Sustainable Development of Forest" on awaken the interest and draw attention to the research and the work of Professor Zoubida Charrouf.

The Argan is a plant that produces fruit similar to olive oil which is extracted a very rare and precious for its cosmetic and medical capabilities. And Professor Charrouf as a young graduate student to discover the properties of argan seeds and had the idea to create a cooperative for the processing of the seeds of Argan.

We had the opportunity to meet Professor Charrouf explained to us and told how it all began and what are the characteristics of this wondrous plant.

argan The natural habitat is the south-western Morocco and it is here that was put in place the idea of \u200b\u200bthe teacher. A distance of 13 years from the first cooperative (born 1996) Today there are about 130 well-occupying many parts of the female population the area.

Argan oil is also called 'Gold of Morocco' and apart from being used for culinary purposes, has a revitalizing and emollient to the skin. The oil is golden and thick, with a toasted aroma and its medical and cosmetic features make this product attractive houses and not cosmetic. What is amazing is not so much the result of the research itself, as the organization that has managed to create around the production of this oil. The geographical area in which this is achieved is very poor, far from the city and next to desertification. The creation of the cooperative has led to new plantations that Argan, with their roots of 30 meters have been able to halt the advance of the Sahara. For 400,000 women (the cooperative is pink), this reality is not only a work perspective and support for families, so the possibility of education for their children, but also a time for socializing and learning. Working in a cooperative, in fact, means being part of a fabric that enhances the producers by making them grow socially and culturally.

a cultural, sociological and economic, a 'magic' that was possible in Morocco but in Italy, and especially in the South, full of anticipation as we fail to ripen. Technology transfer, re-creation of plantations, the ability to create a market they have identified a new concept of work that can go beyond the interest and socio-cultural changes to score deep and meaningful.
Right now the production of argan oil is to be protected through the scientific certification, since the product price increased from two to thirty euro per liter is necessary to curb the 'piracy' that can touch this field. For now known Italian companies are interested in the product, so that there may be opportunities to work from Morocco here in Italy.

to Be Published in The Cube, n.10


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