Friday, March 4, 2011

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to make the strength and Cooperation (Bruna Larosa)

Giant steps in this United Europe and the possibility of not bringing up the rear, but the driving thanks to those who will want to pursue and develop ideas and intentions. To do so, however, it is necessary to know the most appropriate means to implement the ideas and so, in Cosenza, as in many other cities held a training seminar to discuss the EGTC, the European Group Territorial Cooperation. From the possibility of setting up in Italy in 2007 to the present to observe the road traveled, was held at the School of Public Administration Sciences dell'Unical, a meeting to evaluate the achievements of ongoing and new programming for 2013. A day's work to expand the horizons of the studies has involved or who want to deepen this subject being able to look at Europe as a 'better chance'. The EGTC is already known to be located next to the Structural Funds, such as specific actions in support of economic and social cohesion and coordination between Member States. It is nice that the atmosphere breathing during the workshop, those present are interested in the subject and participate with interventions and reflections more than once, share and open discussion with speakers and colleagues. The European Parliament and the Council have a legal instrument called the EGTC useful to local authorities of different States to establish cooperation between their groups with legal status. An extraordinary means by which to remove the boundaries often due to lack of knowledge of the opportunities available to all. The magic word in Europe and within countries is to cooperate, the history shows, have understood the great who have taken many decisions including the most striking on the money only. Working together on several fronts to a single project basis, to study education and civilization of the countries with which we intend to establish such relationships can grow enormously individual institutions are likely to avail of this new possibility. The conditions, therefore, are happy, but we must always bear in mind some of the rules that facilitate the effectiveness of the actions and influence its feasibility.

An EGTC can be established between several contractors, provided that at least two of these are EU Member States. Proponents of the idea may be different bodies such as public bodies, associations, national and local authorities, or even regions. During the course of the day-long workshop several speakers stressed at several points in their speeches that such groups can be addressed not only the implementation of cooperation projects and programs financed by the European Union, but they may also be aimed at putting in the act of territorial cooperation actions, at the initiative of the Member States and their regional and local authorities. The course of the work has become particularly interesting when the present is proposed to look at the projects already in action and 'field'. A precious luggage, who can teach for success and failure which is the best way in this area. Any projects that you would like to propose must provide certain requirements, such as territorial extension, duration, the specific mission and purpose. You will also need to specify the name and registered office of the EGTC to be created and the list of members who belong to it. To put it in place will then enter into a binding agreement and adopt a charter to make it known to the competent national authorities. The debate is couched in a uniform manner, often starting from interested and knowledgeable audience that has intervened repeatedly. Ben has been provided in this phase of the work the external speakers, Professor. Gianni Caggiano, Professor of European Law at Rome III and Director of Construction Europe and the prof. Ilaria Ottaviano, who was also at the University Roma III, who accepted and encouraged the work down by the 'mythological' chair to meet the requests from which often showed the pragmatic needs of a naked and concrete examples to meet their desire to do and know. Europe is no longer so far away, but we need commitment, perseverance and correct information of the different opportunities that are offered to us as citizens of a State State. Deep satisfaction at the close of the work of organizers, speakers and interested parties who have followed the day of study and analysis with the knowledge of who actually bought something to put into practice for the future.

Published on No. 7 to Mezzoeuro


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