Everything about the culture and art in Calabria unfortunately the taste and the rarity of the exception. More and protracted recourse to the great works, the same as in most cases are resolved in 'simple' white elephants, there is usually focus on cultural aspects of development. So while we are all aware that our land is not only the guardian of immense natural beauty and archaeological resources not properly exploited, he 'kept at the same time we are silent witness to the talents of young people who often have to move elsewhere to give vent to their talents. One facet of the brain drain, this often overshadowed by other aspects covered by more more competitive in the world of work and development. In any case it is a loss for our region trailing well behind the cloning of other models that belong in pain to his mind, rather than create its own identity, made with its beauty and talents. There can be no development without research and without culture, a region that wants to recover from the state of inferiority that has been dropped can not ignore these details, too often forgotten and written off. In light of all this one wonders whether it is possible to release the creative power and what it must be driven and willing to do to really express themselves.
We talked about this with a young contemporary artist, Pasquale De Sensi, Lametini source and exact model of the artist's eclectic and passionate. At only twenty-six years he has participated in the International Biennial of Contemporary Art held in Rome, and by his works had a message to Heavenly Prize 2010 in the graphics section, in addition to having been present in numerous exhibitions both collective and personal scattered throughout the ' Italy.
De Sensi, now she's an interesting character in the contemporary art scene, what kind of studies has followed to improve and develop this propensity?
I attended several Academies of Fine Arts, in Rome, Reggio Calabria, Perugia, Urbino, but at the same time I always follow my own path of study. I think the fact that art does not learn from others and you can not teach anyone. It 'a real job that requires commitment and perseverance and work, not to become a sacrifice, and then an injury, need to match a passion for something that comes naturally.
From what inspired and what is the message sent out by his art?
The inspiration comes mostly from listening to music and books. Every picture I propose is a thought different; interests me above all create visual contrasts and the similarities are strong enough to arouse in a search for meaning. It does not take many cues from the reality of every day that a maximum limit myself to photograph and use as a basis. Without a real need to communicate essential and intimately his imagination, the artist risks becoming a kind of showman, who works only for personal success. I think it will not fall into this kind of aberration you should never lose touch with their origins and their intellectual development.
Calabrese home but travels constantly, has a desire or a necessity dictated, maybe the state of the art in our region?
The themes and language that is compared with those working in contemporary art can be defined as global as it does not belong to this or that region, but this requires an openness to the outside. I lived for two years in Reggio Calabria, a city with an enviable climate and landscape, but as soon as possible, the desire to see different things leads me to move and travel a lot.
What, then, his perspective on the state of the art in Italy and Calabria in particular?
Today in Italy disciplines relating to the humanities are hardly recognized and rewarded by the company happens to the visual arts, like music and theater. As far as contemporary art itself, the problem in Calabria is mainly political. Calabria is among the regions more objectively closed and backward than the contemporary national scene. Apart from Cosenza, Catanzaro with the brand and the park's Roccelletta di Borgia, Calabria is a region where the most ambitious projects are left to fade and wear out in administrative squabbles and controversies. I think, for example, the case of Lamezia Terme, where for years it comes to a museum of contemporary art in the name of Luigi Di Sarro: in fact the project is stopped and every year it becomes more modest. The political class often does not understand that there can be no real development without culture.
Published in Issue No. 46 of Mezzoeuro the newsstands on Saturday, 20/11/2010.
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