Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pokemon Leaf Green Rom Hack With All Pokemon

we are there!

we are there!
The League of Ticino has three strong candidates to defend the interests of that Gambarogno in Bellinzona.
Lelia Lüscher, Ivan Sargent el'uscente Cleto Ferrari appear as candidates for a seat in the Grand Council of Ticino. The task of our fearless, but on occasions they were elected, not only to discuss various issues affecting Ticino, but also to hear a voice of this Gambarogno increasingly forgotten, whose sole purpose seems to be for the County to provide a landfill and inhale the smoke more and more compelling exhaust .... But ... we Gambarognesi more .. . lasciatecelo show.
Sabrina Fiala Group President of the League of Ticino Gambarogno

Monday, February 21, 2011

Can Woolite Be Used In He Washing Machines

Gaddafi can butcher. With the approval of the EU (Italy in particular)

seem to see the same film, but there is never bored. The moralists all over the world, always ready to drop the ethical and moral lessons for Switzerland, remain silent while their embarrassed satrap of reference in North Africa in the blood suppress the popular uprisings. And while their companies to sell arms around the world.
Here they are those who, from their stalls, pontificating about human rights, peace and democracy. Who accuse an entire people, the Swiss, of being xenophobic and racist if banning minarets after a democratic referendum, or expels foreign drug dealers, illegal immigrants in our country. Here they are those who have not courage, but the temerity to call to report Switzerland whenever its citizens make decisions that do not like the hypocrites in office. Here they are those who are scandalized when a EU citizen carries money in our country, but sell weapons to all the torturers of the Earth.
learn today that the economic crisis has not touched the world arms market: The institute estimates the Stockholm International Peace Research in its annual report on leading companies in the industry. U.S. and EU are the masters, winning over 90% of the world, with respectively 247 and 120 billion dollars.
Of 33 European companies, among the first 100 in the world, 26 are located in France, Germany, Italy and Britain. Just the balls that are shocked if their citizens money deposited in Switzerland, but works fine forage highly civil and moral, such as war.
And as for what is happening at this time in Libya, shut up. Muti. Without words, now that their boyfriend ago Gaddafi in the blood suppress the riots, applauded only when they occur in countries where they have something to say.
Approximately 300 deaths in the various regions of Libya are never what you want in front of juicy contracts with Tripoli? Germany and France were limited to a few words for the occasion. But everyone else has lost the gift of speech. Most false and Hypocrites of the group, currently, are perhaps the British and Italians (who, moreover, a historical constant in terms of alliances betrayed and duplicity).
Since, the satrap of botulinum Tripoli, are weaving a roaring trade for many years, Libya has decided that it is better not to beak. The world will forget, as he has forgotten Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
A couple of years ago, the Government of His Majesty has given freedom to the Libyan head of the Lockerbie when an American Boeing 747 exploded in flight in Scotland, after the detonation of an explosive. The crash killed 270 people. The responsibility of Gaddafi was discovered during the years, in an irrefutable way. But business is business ... Since there were, and juicy contracts are at stake in the energy sector, the British executive has decided to forget about this thing from nothing, has signed any contract and returned to Libya responsible for the death of 270.
Italy, then, that Libya has committed atrocities during the Second World War, bloody clown promptly perdonategli by Tripoli, decided the silence deafened, as it is the European country with the largest economic and trade relations with the cousins Bedouins.
Yesterday evening, the Tg of the glorious Rsi gave the news, almost as much emphasis, of riots in Libya, and protests in Iran. 300 dead on one. The same, what is not?
And what, then, the "short," relegated to the bottom of the Tg, the riots in China? A little something like 100 arrests and an unknown number of casualties, but what ever you want. China now is the rising power, one with which, Switzerland, he weaves a roaring trade.
The story, in short, is repeated. But you do not see why our country must always accept all the blackmail of this world, bowing his head in front of the bark of the U.S. (eg on overflights in Switzerland with American citizens kidnapped on board) or the growls of the EU (for such as banking secrecy) and should never react firmly.
Why realpolitik should only be carried by others, and not from Switzerland?
Bern has several cards in hand to play to gain respect. From the questioning of treaties such as Schengen, the bilateral (obviously after ricoinvolto the people), by cancellation of the charges laid down by the OECD to build a wall along the border with Italy to address the wave of immigrants from North Africa that will flood you do not need to be nice in the world. But you need to gain respect.
joke? Not at all. A little anecdote. Remember when the Germans a few years ago, began to check in detail the car at the border, causing terrible columns for days, just to put pressure on Switzerland? And why, some decisions can only adopt the other?
Faced with protests from the international community enough to remember the hypocrisy and falsehood of the others. And buried in a sea of \u200b\u200blaughter. Cg

Patron Rita Cosmo Shaker

Adula Park Speech 21 02 11 (R. 6421) for the group League of Ticino

Park Adula Intervention 21 02 11 (R. 6421) for the group League of Ticino

This report there are two aspects of political depth and little, if considered, lead us to a clear and unique conclusion.

The first aspect is clear from
basic choice.
If we consider that in principle the creation of a park can be an opportunity for the development of a region, attention should be given the choice of the park, as the Law offers types with very different accents. In this particular case must therefore be weighed carefully what type of park National is the best value for Blenio Valley, where bride and groom the best area, its reality, its culture, its history, the people who work there.

The law governing the parks took boundaries defined in 2005. This law now provides for three types of parks of national importance, two of which may fall in the Ticino reality:
The National type consists of vast territories in essentially natural and has three main objectives: the protection of ecosystems, which need to evolve freely, the supply of recreation and educational opportunities to the population, promotion of scientific research on the indigenous fauna and flora and natural processes;

The type regional nature, which includes vast rural areas noteworthy and inhabited by man. It contributes effectively to the creation of conditions conducive to sustainable development, environmental education, the discovery of the natural and the culture, as well as the promotion of innovative technologies and environmentally friendly;

With regard to the side of the Ticino Adula Park, the area affected is the Blenio Valley. For those who know the reality of Blenio valley, from the definitions mentioned above it is clear that this region, should it deem it necessary to establish a park, this region of the bride for thinking of those who live there and the real situation that takes place, only one and a park significance of national regional nature of the type. It's a Valley that there are still 26% of the population in the primary and is running a strong land management units in residential areas creates a landscape certainly worthy of note. Thanks to these features are becoming increasingly rare, quality management of land and traditional architecture, this is a region where over time be able to pass on these aspects of competition, will enjoy very attractive. If we consider from this point of view the areas that the other three regions involved in the project Adula provide no comparison with Part of Ticino.

Some national studies have shown that the current national park Engadine that has existed for a hundred years has brought economic benefits to the region in particular because there are already major-care facilities. In the project the park Adula care facilities are located on the edge of the regions of Surselva and not from us.

A further completion of the message of the report, always on the choice of fund, it is important to note that the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a national park Adula was born in 2000 in response to a contest ProNature that put on the table prizes. A contest that they joined six or seven regions of Switzerland. Today is the only race in the Ticino Park project and perhaps Adula with the draft of the Locarno Park.
Meanwhile at the national level have been recognized three other parks of national importance to the type of regional nature, and stood as candidates, next to the project Adula, the only type national, well the other 14 regional natural kind. Maybe we should learn something from the rest of the Swiss when it comes to making their business is very good.

should also be noted that the park project Adula logically, naturally, does not find particular support from the people of the valley in 2009 when the municipalities were called to a first decision, was saved from an almost moribund, via a letter from the Deputy Director of BAFU (FOEN). Letter that deserves an award for special artistic talents in the Menara bush. It may sound like a project of exquisite territorial aspect that you would like pushed from below, and games on legal hair-splitting interpretations of ordinances and obscures the clear, unambiguous intention of the legislature that it is apparent from the aforementioned definitions of the types of proposed park .
It would seem that this project is most desired by the Cantonal BAFU and that the people of the Valley Blenio, which for them are artists, but also history in managing the land, to create unique products, to create biodiversity through working with nature, and at the times of were among the best craftsmen in the main cities in Europe along with other local artists from other valleys. This rich history and who collects an inheritance is clearly not the mentality of the bride park with national priority, which is subject to the safeguard and protect, and where only one man seems uncomfortable presence and negative towards nature.

In this context, we risk endorsing this credit to waste time Blenio Valley! not throw to the winds of 5 years and public transport to get the vote then to have to acknowledge that in fact you could tell it was ten years ago, namely that if we make a park of national importance in the Valley Blenio is the only acceptable type of regional nature.

The second aspect of the political significance of this claim which is not apparent in the discussion is linked to relations with the Canton Bern.
From Bern we receive too many negative signals from the usual offices and detrimental to our culture, our history and our authority. Think of the rustic theme. Think of the current arrangement of no way for agricultural Leontica of where to gain access to federal subsidies, now also check the request to restore the "abuses" of rustic. This could be the un'avvisaglia smash that drag on for years if the PUC-PEIP should be "welcomed magnanimously" withdrawing the action from Berne. Then think to the constraints and delays that the project is being reset to the center of cross-country Campra.
An anecdote alone speaks volumes. is indelible arrogance and audacity of BAFU against Ticino when some years ago to an inch of chamois horns granted by the Security Council, immediately and without thinking too much on his knees BAFU the Security Council by threatening to cut three million grant to the forests.
Still on the theme parks, the plan Magadino, with the support of the cantonal administration offices, we are extending the tentacles of BAFU designed to take this valuable territory.

It is time to restore balance and a respectful healthy attitudes toward nature and respectful of our origins.
degenerated This relational aspect with the federal administration, if we have a little 'pride, should lead us to say to shelve the project Adula park and other similar projects that promote sterile prohibitions, that are more a symptom of decline of craft skills of human progress.

For issues raised here that do nothing but demonstrate a basic choice of the wrong type of park, which clashes with the reality of a census in the Valley and bring Blenio myths in our self-appointed guardians advice of Bern, we believe that the Valley Blenio spouses, if anything, promoted a national park value of the type in which the regional nature of the project once again on the man, his history and culture and its craft skills aimed at creating real added value.

For the Group League of Ticino Cleto Ferrari

Best Bedding For Tokay Geckos

Festival by Radio One (Brown Larosa)

Radio is the world's people, busy with other matters, willing to listen to music and hear what happens again. It does not matter that much that tone of voice you have, it is significant but the ability to engage the public. A tendency that becomes even more important now that the radio, especially when it comes from a young project, not just a
'voice', but a package of communication itself, which lives and develops on the internet able to exercise a strong power over the listeners. We speak here of Ponteradio with Angelo Iacopino, cheerful voice from the speaker and boy from life super busy and happy to have so much to do. He described the projects that followed, his collaborations outside of Radio dell'Unical and a new, exciting initiative, which for the first time involving the University of Cosenza.

Angelo, how did his passion for radio and draft Ponteradio?
My passion for this work was created during my internship at Radio Libera Bisignano, where I interviewed Ennio Morricone. Ponteradio, however, comes from a small group of guys that I was also partly supported prof. Daniel Gambarara. The project soon became a most ambitious and ourselves we have the best of my efforts and never let demoralize those who did not believe that we achieved something.

In general, do you feel they should be requirements to work in Radio?
is important to have good properties of language and be interested in music, but more importantly is the ability to deal with the radio path with a versatile spirit: a speaker is also a director, author and technical programs.

What is the atmosphere in your office? We are a team
essentially compact and this is a great strength, because it can overcome any obstacle.

How does the relationship with the audience in a Web radio, compared to the traditional system?
From the beginning we have received strong support from the public: remember liking a guy who, at the beginning of Ponteradio, spread our voices inside his pub. Since then, the number of people following us has grown dramatically: we found that the strength of a web radio is to be able to cross the local and national boundaries and enjoy a high degree of interaction than other media. This is done through the chat, this tool also on our website, by creating Facebook page or by email contacts. In addition, in the growth bands, often independent and emerging, which is entrusted with the promotion of their work for web radio, like ours. Of course, the FM frequency is easily accessible to the public, but transmission via the web provides more freedom to spread on the ground, so much so that most FM radio stations have a site on which to listen to streaming.

can anticipate some news for the near future? I can announce that
Ponteradio be actively involved in organizing the Festival of University Radio, now in its fifth edition. The FRU has stage in cities such as Perugia, Catania, Salerno and Padua, and in May of this year the event will reach Cosenza, Arcavacata of the university campus. On this occasion, we are drawing up a full calendar of events
music, panel discussions and workshops, preparing to welcome students from all over Italy, we want to leave a memory of Cosenza as a company with a potential cultural evolution.

Published on the number of Mezzoeuro on sale from February 19, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mountain King Christmas Trees, Put Together

From Ticinolibero

Giuliano Bignasca Monday was a guest of context, transmission of CSR La1. On Tuesday, the Nano is know to those of CSR, which in Via Monte Boglia meets Lazzarotto Franco, formerly Vice President of PLRT, director of the popular schools of Biasca, and former president of Castellinaria. And here

discovered the secret. The name that could replace Giuliano Bignasca on the list of the League was to Lazzarotto. It would be a blow to effect by the League. Eclipsed this hypothesis, if the Nano was battled out on the advertising plan. Say to the media and the debate between Bignasca Lazzarotto Via Monte Boglia, with a view a move to League thereof, is an excellent advertisement for the party of Borradori.

months that are now Bignasca ( Boris Giuliano and ) are busy in a comprehensive transfer market. Before Sanvido Paul (from the PPD), then Cleto Ferrari (PS Ticino), and Rodolfo Pulino (Communist Party). A day will officially (TicinoLibero is the only portal that had already anticipated a few weeks) the passage of Giancarlo Seitz, who formerly PLRT (root area) and then become a socialist, is now ready to enter the court of the Nano. And now Franco Lazzarotto .

Bignasca I have moved 360 degrees to strengthen the team. Now we only miss the League can carry among its ranks Cansani John, a former Socialist municipal Lugano much loved by his base, and that is that the league would be the strongest.

Indeed, if we are allowed a license of political fiction, the Nano could get off the list on February 21 and be replaced by a man of numbers and figures not understand how much Alfonso Tuor, former head of radio and information business pages of the Courier, now "exiled" in China . This, in our view, would be a great coup de théâtre And mathematics to ensure the league doubled in government.

But leave aside the political fiction . Bignasca said that he will be just to be on the list. At this point, probably, if it were elected, would be the third most votes (Gobbi or frame) to support the honor Borradori in government.

Apart from these our speculation, the political issue to highlight is another. Today, the League is the only party to be able to make purchases campaign in other parties. And there is no guarantee that a party with a president for life, where there are no particular internal organs (Congress, cantonal committee, management, ...) manages to be appealing against prominent political figures like Frank Lazzarotto or Giancarlo Seitz. The question is that of health status of the historical parties . Some of their leaders decide to leave, to go to the court's president for life. Sure, some might say that this is personal careerism. It may be so, but if someone prefers the historical parties, the League, perhaps it means that the level of discussion and debate within the old parties is not who knows what. One reason, and if it is true that the League is a father-master, it is also true that other parties are run by "clans " (always the same for decades), deciding what to do, who to support and isolate what name. There is so much difference?

purchases League campaign shows the weakness and the decline of the historical parties . Increasingly in the hands of a "clique" (often mediocre), which operates criteria for friendship and fideistic merits. More and more people are turning their parties. And even if the PS Ticino, in 2007, decided not to apply for the Council of State a Sergio Savoia (preferring a Pelin Kandemir Bordoli), forcing him to actually migrate to a minor political party, the Greens, it means that Socialists do not recognize the talent, if not political communication at least policy. The same fate had happened a few years before, Brenno Martignoni, then a young member of PLRT Bellinzona, but did not want him as mayor. The citizenship of Bellinzona does. And the list goes on. Bignasca now simply aggregates the good name that the clan that manage historical parties agree to isolate. In a world increasingly "liquid and deconstructive" the secretariats of the party has less .

And if someone stops to reflect on the meeting between Lazzarotto and Giuliano Bignasca, which was held on Tuesday, and on the statements of former Vice President PLRT for him now when he says that the cantons are a chapter closed, perhaps you should question why Bignasca thought to aggregate and "enhance" this liberalradicale and his party no. It is clear that the Nano in wanted list for the Council of State the director of middle school Biasca. The PLRT Gianora of us had ever thought of "using" Lazzarotto as a candidate for the government?

The Committee attempts to Fulvio Pelli and Edo Bobbio, has never taken into account in the name of former President Castellinaria?

view that leave is Gendotti, who heads the department of education and culture, it was so strange to nominate a name that works for a lifetime in school and was president of one of the most important cultural events of this Canton? No, he preferred to focus on unknown Raffaele Tognacca , and then Marco Canvas. But Tognacca and canvas what they did for more than PLRT Lazzarotto? And for the Canton Ticino? Sure, Lazzarotto is Sopracenerina. It was necessary at all costs to put on the list Christian Vitta a young economist, grew up "archipelago" of Fidinam (creature Tito Tettamanti ). And Sergio Morisoli man Credit Suisse, Marina Masoni right hand, and liberal voice of Communion and Liberation. That's how Frank Lazzarotto are always left aside. But perhaps, in this campaign, he could have said something non-generic and informed the school of Ticino, which until proven otherwise is the biggest "agency" educational, cultural and integration of this County.

But in party history we are no longer considered. It noted that none severely criticized the Board of PLRT looking for work, you just have to change his jacket.

PS: the Corriere del Ticino Giancarlo Dillena and Fabio Pontiggia published its canvass, which Morisoli service in government. We had no doubts that the film could Muzzano to provide for the election of the CL and the total debacle of liberal socialist Chiara Orelli, the candidate who is emerging more than others on the secularity. Four years ago in Muzzano had put into the paper yard free Corriere hello ". Today's economic restrictions limit all the polls.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dancing Womenin Paint

Bignasca: "A wall between the Ticino and Italy"

The provocative proposal of the League's leader against the emergence of illegal immigrants may soon hit the Ticino

's start with what is at the heart of the problem. To say that Italians are not the policemen to patrol the Tunisian ports to stem the flow of migration, but the Tunisian armed forces themselves, "equipped" with Italian media. He said the foreign minister, Franco Frattini , shortly before returning to Tunis, after another difficult day on the front immigration. The Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi spoke with the President of the European Council Van Rompuy the opportunity to agree an EU summit. Interior Minister Roberto Maroni has renewed its concerns, stressing the urgent need for European intervention. Maroni and Berlusconi will now set in Sicily, where he also was intercepted a fishing vessel last night migrants.

Bignasca wants a wall

From Ticino gets an entry while provocative, but that gives an idea on what could be the consequences in our part of the North African crisis crave. To stem the flow of refugees from the nearby peninsula of Switzerland - Said last night the League's leader Giuliano Bignasca cantonal elections, a debate on CSR - "we must build a concrete wall along the border with Italy."

border guards are ready

The Federal Office for Migration is at the window. And the Border Guard are prepared to strengthen surveillance in the area of \u200b\u200bChiasso and in particular to the customs of the Gotthard railway. The first effects of the wave of refugees should be in about a week. tio